Installs/Configures ProxySQL
cookbook 'proxysql', '~> 5.0.2'
Installs/Configures ntpdate
cookbook 'ntpdate', '~> 1.7.0'
Installs wsus server
cookbook 'wsus-server', '~> 2.3.3'
Resources for configuring and provisioning macOS
cookbook 'macos', '~> 6.0.3'
Installs and manages Visual Studio Code Extensions
cookbook 'sc_vscode', '~> 2.0.11'
Installs/Configures dnf-automatic
cookbook 'dnf-automatic', '~> 2.0.6'
Installs/Configures Sonatype Nexus 3 Repository Manager
cookbook 'nexus3', '~> 5.3.1'
Installs and Configured CommVault client software
cookbook 'commvault', '~> 1.2.1'
Install and configure Wireguard
cookbook 'wireguard', '~> 1.0.0'
Installs/Configures yum-osuosl
cookbook 'yum-osuosl', '~> 2.1.0'
Installs and configures Bitcoin Core
cookbook 'bitcoin', '~> 2.0.0'
Enables IIS features required by ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) and configures HTTPS binding.
cookbook 'esri-iis', '~> 0.3.0'
Installs/Configures Notepad++
cookbook 'notepadpp', '~> 3.0.1'
Installs vim and optional extra packages.
cookbook 'vim', '~> 3.0.1'
Provides Chef Resource for automating DNS configuration with DNSimple
cookbook 'dnsimple', '~> 4.5.0'
Installs and configures smartmontools
cookbook 'smartmontools', '~> 2.0.7'
Installs Winlogbeat Agent
cookbook 'winlogbeats', '~> 0.0.5'
Installs/Configures ReSharper
cookbook 'resharper', '~> 3.0.4'
Installs/Configures Prometheus
cookbook 'prometheus', '~> 0.7.4'
Installs/Configures Beyond Compare
cookbook 'beyondcompare', '~> 2.0.10'