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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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uyuni-inspec Compliance Profile

InSpec profile for verifying Uyuni installations

Install & Usage Instructions

Uyuni InSpec Profile

Build Status

This profile verifies an Uyuni installation.

Currently, only openSUSE 42.3 is supported - additional distributions will follow once Uyuni supports them.


The following things are checked:
- Updated system
- Uyuni repository and required software packages
- Application ports (80, 443, 5222, 5269, 4505, 4506, 5432)
- Database deployment
- SUSE-related installation files
- Initial Uyuni organization and user


λ kitchen verify
Profile: InSpec Profile for Uyuni (uyuni)
  [PASS]  app-01: Web server running
     [PASS]  Port 80 should be listening
     [PASS]  Port 443 should be listening
  [PASS]  app-02: Jabber running
     [PASS]  Port 5222 should be listening
     [PASS]  Port 5269 should be listening
  [PASS]  app-03: Salt running
     [PASS]  Port 4505 should be listening
     [PASS]  Port 4506 should be listening
  [PASS]  app-04: PostgreSQL running
     [PASS]  Port 5432 should be listening
  [PASS]  app-05: Uyuni database deployed
     [PASS]  File /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf content should include "uyuni"
  [PASS]  app-06: Installation files
     [PASS]  File /root/ should not exist
     [PASS]  File /root/.MANAGER_SETUP_COMPLETE should exist
     [PASS]  File /root/.MANAGER_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE should exist
  [PASS]  app-07: Initial content created
     [PASS]  uyuni users should include "vagrant"
     [PASS]  uyuni orgs should include "Vagrant"
  [PASS]  pkg-01: System up2date
     [PASS]  Command: `LANG=C zypper lu` stdout should include "No updates found"
  [PASS]  pkg-02: Uyuni repository exists
     [PASS]  Command: `LANG=C zypper lr` stdout should include "uyuni-server-stable"
  [PASS]  pkg-03: Uyuni packages installed
     [PASS]  System Package patterns-uyuni_server should be installed

Profile Summary: 10 successful controls, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 16 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped