Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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asdf (15) Versions 0.4.2

Installs and configures asdf

cookbook 'asdf', '= 0.4.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'asdf', '= 0.4.2'
knife supermarket install asdf
knife supermarket download asdf
Quality 83%

asdf Cookbook

Cookbook Version Build Status

Installs and configures asdf extendable version manager.


  • Chef 14.3+


The following platforms are supported and tested with Test Kitchen:

  • Amazon Linux 2+
  • CentOS 7+
  • Debian 8+
  • Fedora 27+
  • Ubuntu 16.04+

Other Debian and RHEL family distributions are assumed to work.


  • ark


Place a dependency on the asdf cookbook in your cookbook's metadata.rb

depends 'asdf'

Examples are provided in test/cookbooks/test/recipes.

A asdf_user_install is required so that asdf is installed. See Resources below.


For more details look at the [](./



Installs, uninstalls and sets global an asdf package.
See Package Dependencies below.

asdf_package 'name' do
  live_stream               [TrueClass, FalseClass]
  package                   String
  user                      String
  version                   String


This resource has the following actions:

  • :install Default
  • :global
  • :uninstall


This resource has the following properties:

  • live_stream Whether or not to output verbose stream. Defaults to false.
  • package Which package to install. Defaults to name.
  • user Which user to run asdf code as.
  • version Which package version to install. Required.


Installs, updates or removes an asdf plugin.

asdf_plugin 'name' do
  git_url                   String
  live_stream               [TrueClass, FalseClass]
  user                      String


This resource has the following actions:

  • :add Default
  • :update
  • :remove


This resource has the following properties:

  • git_url Git url to checkout plugin from.
  • live_stream Whether or not to output verbose stream. Defaults to false.
  • user Which user to run asdf code as.


Runs an asdf aware script.

asdf_script 'name' do
  code                      String
  environment               Hash
  live_stream               [TrueClass, FalseClass]
  path                      String
  returns                   Array
  timeout                   [Integer, Float]
  user                      String


This resource has the following actions:

  • :run Default


This resource has the following properties:

  • code asdf command to run. Default name.
  • environment Environment variables to run script.
  • live_stream Whether or not to output verbose stream. Defaults to false.
  • path Additional path to include in environment path.
  • returns Expected return code. Defaults to [0].
  • timeout Amount of time (in seconds) a command is to wait before timing out. Defaults to 3600.
  • user Which user to run asdf code as.


Installs asdf to the user path, making asdf only available to that user.

asdf_user_install 'name' do
  git_url                   String
  git_ref                   String
  update_asdf               [TrueClass, FalseClass]
  legacy_version_file       [TrueClass, FalseClass]


This resource has the following actions:

  • :install Default


This resource has the following properties:

  • git_ref Git reference to checkout.
  • git_url Git url to checkout asdf from. Defaults to
  • legacy_version_file Whether or not to use legacy version files. Defaults to false.
  • update_asdf Whether or not to update asdf. Defaults to true.
  • user Which user to install asdf to. Defaults to name.

Package Dependencies

Although this cookbook is slowly but surely trying to make sure that
dependencies are installed for each package on all supported operating systems,
you may still need to add dependencies that have not been pre-installed for a
particular package. If you do indeed get a package installed with dependencies
that have not yet been pre-installed via this cookbook, please open up a pull
request for review to be added.


This cookbook is based off of the ruby_rbenv cookbook.


Copyright:: Fernando Aleman

Dependent cookbooks

ark >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.4.2 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

0.4.2 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

0.4.2 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

0.4.2 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.4.2 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

0.4.2 passed this metric

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