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bigdata (5) Versions 0.1.1

Installs/Configures Systap Bigdata High Availability

cookbook 'bigdata', '= 0.1.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'bigdata', '= 0.1.1'
knife supermarket install bigdata
knife supermarket download bigdata
Quality -%

Bigdata Cookbook

The Bigdata cookbook provides the bigdata v1.3.0 opensource triplestore/graph database. The cookbook provides recipes to install the Bigdata server as a web application under Tomcat, with its own embedded Jetty server (NSS - the NanoSparqlServer). The recipes will install pre-configured packages by node and optionally may build and install the server directly from source archive.

For more info on Bigdata please visit:


Chef 11 or higher<br/>
Ruby 1.9 (preferably from the Chef full-stack installer)


General Attributes

<td>The root directory for bigdata contents</td>
<td>Where to download the bigdata package file from</td>
<td>Where the bigdata.jnl resides. Discussed in <a href="">Common Startup Problmems</a></td>
<td>Tomcat: node['bigdata'][:home]/data<br/>NSS: node['bigdata'][:home]/var/data</td>
<td>Where bigdata log files should reside (i.e. queryLog.csv, rules.log, queryRunStateLog.csv).</td>
<td>Tomcat: node['bigdata'][:home]/var/log<br/>NSS: node['bigdata'][:home]/var/log</td>
<td>File path to the Bigdata properties file.</td>
<td>The Subversion branch to retrieve source files from.</td>
<td>The directory to retrieve Subversion contents into.</td>
<td>Journal Buffer Mode</td>
<td>Minimum Release Age</td>
<td>Writing retention queue length.</td>
<td>Branching factor for the journal's B-Tree.</td>
<td>Journal's initial extent</td>
<td>Journal's maximum extent</td>
<td>Switch Truth Maintenance on/off.</td>
<td>Switch Quads Mode on/off.</td>
<td>Switch statement identifiers on/off.</td>
<td>Switch text indexing on/off.</td>
<td>The class to handle RDF axioms.</td>
<td>Branching factor for the journal's Lexical B-Tree.</td>
<td>Branching factor for the journal's SPO B-Tree.</td>
<td>The number of statements to buffer before committing triples to the persistence layer.</td>

Attributes for Tomcat Based Install

<td>The web application root directory for bigdata.</td>
<td>File path to the log4j properties file.</td>

Attributes for NanoSparqlServer (NSS) Based Install

<td>The user to install and run bigdata under.</td>
<td>The group to install and run bigdata under.</td>
<td>The Jetty root directory.</td>

Attributes for MapGraph

<td>The Subversion branch to retrieve source files from.</td>
<td>The directory to retrieve Subversion contents into.</td>


A node recipe is not provided by the Bigdata cookbook. The user is given the option to install the Bigdata server under Tomcat or as a Jetty application. Under both options, Bigdata may optinally be built directly from the a Subversion source code branch.


Installs the Tomcat server and then bigdata as a web application. Bigdata will be configured according to the attributes. If no attributes are given, Bigdata will be installed with the systems nodes.

If the build_from_svn attribute is set to true Bigdata will be build from the Subversion repository given in the svn_branch attribute.


Installs the Bigdata server to run in the NanoSparqlServer (Jetty) mode.

If the build_from_svn attribute is set to true Bigdata will be build from the Subversion repository given in the svn_branch attribute.


Retrieves the MapGraph project from its Subversion archive at SourceForget and builds it.
This recipe can only be used with GPU architecture and has only been validated against Amazon's "NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver" AMI.


Vagrant Context

Sample Vagrant configurations are available in the Bigdata Subversion source tree under bigdata/src/resources/deployment/vagrant.

Tomcat Example

    chef.json = {
        :bigdata => {
                :install_type => "tomcat",
                :build_from_svn => true,
                :svn_branch => ""
        :java => {
                "install_flavor" => "oracle",
                :jdk_version => "7",
                :oracle => { 'accept_oracle_download_terms' => true }
        :tomcat => {
                :base_version => "7"

    chef.run_list = [

NSS Example

    chef.json = {
        :bigdata => {
                :install_type => "nss"
        :java => {
                "install_flavor" => "oracle",
                :jdk_version => "7",
                :oracle => { 'accept_oracle_download_terms' => true }

    chef.run_list = [

Trouble Shooting

The Bigdta cookbook recipes have been tested thoroughly in the Vagrant context with VirtualBox and AWS providers using Ubuntu 12.04 and Oracle's JDK 7.

When errors occur in the Vagrant context, it is most typically during the installation process where a network timeout has occurred during the retrieval of a dependent resource. simply continue with:

% vagrant provision

Which should get past any intermit ant network issues. For assistance with installation and other issues, please visit the Bigdata Support Forum.

License and Authors

Author:: Daniel Mekonnen [daniel<no-spam-at>]

GNU GPLv2 - This pakcage may be resiributed under the same terms and conditions as the Bigdata project that it is a part of.

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0
java >= 1.22.0
ant >= 0.0.0
tomcat >= 0.0.0
subversion >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

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