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camo (6) Versions 0.2.0

Configures camo - a small http proxy to simplify routing images through an SSL host

cookbook 'camo', '= 0.2.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'camo', '= 0.2.0'
knife supermarket install camo
knife supermarket download camo
Quality 100%

camo Build Status


Installs camo - a small http proxy to simplify routing images through an SSL host
For more information on camo see


  • nodejs cookbook
  • git cookbook


The following are the deployment specific attributes that are used to describe where to download camo from,
where to install it and who to run it as. It assumes that all these users are already present and the permissions
are setup appropriately.

  • node[:camo][:path] = "/srv/camo"
  • node[:camo][:deploy_user] = "root"
  • node[:camo][:deploy_group] = "users"
  • node[:camo][:deploy_migrate] = false
  • node[:camo][:deploy_action] = "deploy"
  • node[:camo][:repo] = "git://"
  • node[:camo][:branch] = "master"
  • node[:camo][:user] = "www-data"
  • node[:camo][:group] = "users"


  • node[:camo][:port] = 8081
  • node[:camo][:header_via] = nil
  • node[:camo][:key] = '0x24FEEDFACEDEADBEEFCAFE'
  • node[:camo][:logging] = "disabled"
  • node[:camo][:length_limit] = 5242880
  • node[:camo][:max_redirects] = 4
  • node[:camo][:socket_timeout] = 10
  • node[:camo][:timing_allow_origin] = nil
  • node[:camo][:hostname] = "unknown"


Usually you would run this behind a web server proxy, such as apache2, nginx, etc.
In a wrapper cookbook add this cookbook as a dependency and include the default recipe

include_recipe "camo::default"

Dependent cookbooks

nodejs >= 0.0.0
git >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

camo Cookbook Changelog

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the camo cookbook.

v0.2.0 (2014-10-29)

  • Added camo.install_method which can be package or deploy_revision
  • Added camo.header_via, camo.length_limit, camo.socket_timeout, camo.timing_allow_origin attributes
  • Removed camo.host_exclusions attribute (no longer supported by camo)
  • FC045: Set cookbook name in metadata
  • Changed default deploy_user to root
  • Added dependency on git for deploy_revision
  • Update Development environment with Berkshelf, ChefSpec, Test-Kitchen

v0.1.0 (2012-11-10)

  • Initial Release

Foodcritic Metric

0.2.0 passed this metric