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chruby (9) Versions 0.1.0

Installs/Configures chruby

cookbook 'chruby', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'chruby', '= 0.1.0'
knife supermarket install chruby
knife supermarket download chruby
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chruby cookbook

Installs the Chruby utility for changing between Ruby versions. Chruby is a vastly simplified rbenv - it's about 90 lines of code, and very easy to understand.


  • Depends on the ark cookbook and the ruby-build cookbook.
  • Tested on Centos 6.4 only, so far.


Include the chruby recipe in your run list. This will make the chruby tool available to every shell, and make the embedded Ruby from the Omnibus install available for use.


  • node['chruby']['version'] - the version of Chruby to install. Default is 0.3.4.
  • TODO: node['chruby']['gpg_check'] - run the GPG check to verify the release was not tampered with.
  • node['chruby']['use_rvm_rubies'] - make Rubies installed using RVM available to chruby.
  • node['chruby']['use_rbenv_rubies'] - make Rubies installed using Rbenv available to chruby.
  • node['chruby']['auto_switch'] - enable automatic switching between Ruby versions per
  • node['chruby']['rubies'] - an array of Rubies to install using the ruby-build LWRP, and make available to chruby.
  • node['chruby']['default'] - specify the default Ruby version for every shell.



Installs the chruby utility, and makes it available to every shell. If Chef was installed with the Omnibus installer, make embedded Ruby available as an option for usage.


Builds and makes available the Ruby versions listed in the node['chruby']['rubies'] attribute, using the ruby-build LWRP.


Author:: Stephen Nelson-Smith (

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