cookbook 'clamav', '= 0.4.1'
The clamav cookbook has been deprecated
Author provided reason for deprecation:
The clamav cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the clamav cookbook is no longer recommended.
clamav (8) Versions 0.4.1 Follow15
Installs/configures ClamAV
cookbook 'clamav', '= 0.4.1', :supermarket
knife supermarket install clamav
knife supermarket download clamav
A cookbook for installing and configuring ClamAV. Components to be installed/enabled
are accessible as attributes.
- A RHEL/CentOS/Scientific, Debian/Ubuntu, or compatible OS
Pretty much everything offered as options for ClamAV is configurable. Some
attributes that one might commonly want to override:
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["enabled"] = false
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["enabled"] = false
Whether or not the ClamAV daemons should be running
default["clamav"]["version"] = "0.97.6"
The version of the ClamAV packages to install
default["clamav"]["dev_package"] = false
Whether to install the appropriate ClamAV development package
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_file"] = "/var/log/clamav/clamd.log"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["logrotate_frequency"] = "daily"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["logrotate_rotations"] = 7
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_file_unlock"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_file_max_size"] = "1M"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_time"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_clean"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_syslog"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_facility"] = nil
default["clamav"]["clamd"]["log_verbose"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["update_log_file"] = "/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["logrotate_frequency"] = "daily"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["logrotate_rotations"] = 7
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["log_file_max_size"] = "1M"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["log_time"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["log_verbose"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["log_syslog"] = "no"
default["clamav"]["freshclam"]["log_facility"] = nil
Log file/syslog facility logging options
ClamAV has many other options. See the attribute files and ClamAV
documentation for details.
Nothing special. Override the default attributes as you see fit and go to town!
Feel free to fork this project and submit any changes via pull request.
As a first project to implement cookbook tests, I probably went a bit
overboard, but this cookbook implements several sets of tests using a number
of tools.
- Vagrant and VirtualBox for creating virtual environments
- Berkshelf for retrieving cookbook dependencies
- FoodCritic for lint tests
- ChefSpec for the cookbook tests
- Minitest Chef Handler for the full-on Chef run tests
- Cucumber for high-level behavior tests
- Test Kitchen to tie all the tests together
To run the Foodcritic tests only, run:
To run the ChefSpec tests:
To start up a development environment for basic Chef run verification:
vagrant up
To do a full-on run of all tests on every supported platform:
kitchen test
To Do
- Use Fauxhai for some of the spec tests