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Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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confluent (8) Versions 1.0.1

Installs/Configures confluent

cookbook 'confluent', '= 1.0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'confluent', '= 1.0.1'
knife supermarket install confluent
knife supermarket download confluent
Quality 100%

Confluent Cookbook

Cookbook Version
Build Status

Installs the Confluent package and can run its services,

  • Kafka
  • Kafka REST
  • Schema Registry

View the [Change Log]( to see what has changed.

Getting Started

Install Confluent Package

If you include the recipe[confluent] this will install the Confluent package and nothing else.

You can find the package installed under /opt/confluent (by default) with the name confluent-VERSION.

You can also find the configuration under,

  • /etc/kafka
  • /etc/kafka-rest
  • /etc/schema-registry

Kafka Service

If you include the recipe[confluent::kafka] this will install the Confluent package, configure and start the Kafka service.

You can configure the service using the attribtues node["confluent"]["kafka"][""][...] = ....
Use Confluent's Kafka doc
to figure out the appropriate configuration for yourself.

You can find the SysV script at /etc/init.d/kafka-rest or service kafka-rest [start|stop|restart|status].

You can find the logs at /var/log/confluent/kafka.log.

Kafka REST Service

If you include the recipe[confluent::kafka-rest] this will install the Confluent package, configure and start the
Kafka REST service.

You can configure the service using the attribtues node["confluent"]["kafka-rest"][""][...] = ....
Use Confluent's Kafka REST doc to figure out the
appropriate configuration for yourself.

You can find the SysV script at /etc/init.d/kafka-rest or service kafka-rest [start|stop|restart|status].

You can find the logs at /var/log/confluent/kafka-rest.log.

Schema Registry Service

If you include the recipe[confluent::schema-registry] this will install the Confluent package, configure and start the
Schema Registry service.

You can configure the service using the attribtues node["confluent"]["schema-registry"][""][...] = ....
Use Confluent's Schema Registry doc to figure out the
appropriate configuration for yourself.

You can find the SysV script at /etc/init.d/schema-registry or service schema-registry [start|stop|restart|status].

You can find the logs at /var/log/confluent/schema-registry.log.



  • node["confluent"]["version"] : The version of the Confluent package to install (default=1.0)
  • node["confluent"]["scala_version"] : The scala version of the Confluent package to install (default=2.10.4)
  • node["confluent"]["artifact_url"] : The URL to the Confluent package to install. This is generated using the version and scala_version attributes. It downloads from
  • node["confluent"]["install_dir"] : The directory to install the Confluent package (default=/opt/confluent)
  • node["confluent"]["user"] : The user that owns the Confluent package files and runs the services (default=confluent)
  • node["confluent"]["uid"] : optional staticly assign a uid for above user (default=unset picks form system config)
  • node["confluent"]["group"] : The group that owns the Confluent package files and runs the services (default=confluent)
  • node["confluent"]["gid"] : optional staticly assign a gid for above group (default=unset picks form system config)


  • node["confluent"]["kafka"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure the Kafka service (default={})
  • node["confluent"]["kafka"]["env_vars"] : A Hash of environment variables applied when running the service
  • node["confluent"]["kafka"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure log4j for the Kafka service (see attributes for defaults)
  • node['confluent']['kafka']['brokers'] : A single broker String or List of brokers by hostname, fqdn, or ipaddress
  • node['confluent']['kafka']['zookeepers'] : A list of zookeeper hostname:port's to add to kafka config (default=nil)
  • node['confluent']['kafka']['zookeepers_chroot'] : An optional list of zookeeper hostname:port/chroot's to add to kafka config (default=nil)

Kafka REST

  • node["confluent"]["kafka-rest"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure the Kafka REST service (default={})
  • node["confluent"]["kafka-rest"]["env_vars"] : A Hash of environment variables applied when running the service
  • node["confluent"]["kafka-rest"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure log4j for the Kafka REST service (see attributes for defaults)

Schema Registry

  • node["confluent"]["schema-registry"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure the Schema Registry service (default={})
  • node["confluent"]["schema-registry"]["env_vars"] : A Hash of environment variables applied when running the service
  • node["confluent"]["schema-registry"][""] : A Hash of properties that configure log4j for the Schema Registry service (see attributes for defaults)



  • rake style : runs foodcritic and rubocop
    • todo in .rubocop.yml
  • rake unit : runs chefspec tests form ./spec
    • todo from untouched resources
  • rake kitchen : runs kitchen tests
    • problem with gem version conflict in Rakefile. Run kitchen from command line: kitchen test

Dependent cookbooks

java >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Change Log

1.0.1 - 05-19-2016

  • [Bug] Issue-11 : Schema-registry service does not work

1.0.0 - 03-10-2016

  • [Enhancement] Issue-10 : Update to confluent 2.0

0.3.0 - 11-06-2015

  • [Enhancement] Issue-9 : Add tests and discoverable brokers

0.2.0 - 08-05-2015

  • [Enhancement] Issue-7 : Restart services if config files change
  • [Enhancement] Issue-6 : Add unit tests
  • [Enhancement] Issue-4 : Setup proper logging for services by default
  • [Feature] Issue-3 : Allow configuring java settings
  • [Feature] Issue-2 : Support schema registry

0.1.0 - 03-30-2015

  • [Feature] Issue-1 : Initial working cookbook

Foodcritic Metric

1.0.1 passed this metric