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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

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The heartbeat cookbook has been deprecated

Author provided reason for deprecation:

The heartbeat cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the heartbeat cookbook is no longer recommended.


heartbeat (9) Versions 3.0.0

Installs but does not configure heartbeat

cookbook 'heartbeat', '~> 3.0.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'heartbeat', '~> 3.0.0'
knife supermarket install heartbeat
knife supermarket download heartbeat
Quality 17%

heartbeat Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

Installs heartbeat, and includes resources/providers for managing heartbeat configuration.

It is outside the scope of this cookbook and the README to replace documentation and user understanding of the linux-ha and heartbeat project.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle 5-6 (7 does not have a hearbeat package)


  • Chef 13+


  • yum-epel


  • node['heartbeat']['conf_dir'] - Directory where heartbeat configuration lives.

The following attributes are used in recipe[heartbeat::config] to pass into the LWRP used there. Each corresponds to a resource attribute in the LWRP, making the recipe drivable with attributes, e.g. set in a role. See the heartbeat resource attributes below for descriptions.

  • node['heartbeat']['config']['auto_failback']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['autojoin']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['compression']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['compression_threshold']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['deadtime']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['initdead']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['keepalive']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['logfacility']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['udpport']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['warntime']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['search']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['authkeys']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['active_key']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['mode']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['interface']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['mcast_group']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['mcast_ttl']
  • node['heartbeat']['config']['resource_ip']



Manages heartbeat configuration files (, authkeys, haresources).


  • :create - Default Creates the configuration. This will search for a specified query (see the search resource attribute below), and fall back to finding the cookbook and recipe name where the LWRP is used in the node's recipes attribute.


  • auto_failback - used for the auto_failback configuration directive in
  • autojoin - used for the autojoin configuration directive in
  • compression - used for the compression configuration directive in
  • compression_threshold - used for the compression_threshold configuration directive in
  • deadtime - used for the deadtime configuration directive in
  • initdead - used for the initdead configuration directive in
  • keepalive - used for the keepalive configuration directive in
  • logfacility - used for the logfacility configuration directive in
  • udpport - used for the udpport configuration directive in
  • warntime - used for the warntime configuration directive in
  • search - a search query to use instead of the default (see description above).
  • authkeys - sha1 keys used in the authkeys config file.
  • active_key - the key used for the auth configuration directive in the authkeys config file.
  • interface - used for the `` configuration directive in
  • mcast_group - used for the `` configuration directive in
  • mcast_ttl - used for the `` configuration directive in
  • mode - tye network mode to use, can be ucast, bcast, or mcast, corresponds to the configuration directives in
  • resource_groups - array of resource groups


See recipe[heartbeat::config].


Used in the heartbeat LWRP for the group IP.


Manages the haresources resource_groups.



Installs the heartbeat and heartbeat-dev packages, and manages the heartbeat service. The recipe does not at this time manage any configuration.


Uses the heartbeat LWRP with the node['heartbeat']['config'] attributes to manage a complete heartbeat configuration.


Use the default recipe to install heartbeat's packages and manage the service.

Use the LWRP in your own recipe, or set the attributes described above and use the config recipe to setup a heartbeat-monitored application.

License & Authors

Author: Cookbook Engineering Team (

Copyright: 2009-2016, Chef Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

yum-epel >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

heartbeat Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the heartbeat cookbook.

3.0.0 (2018-07-24)

  • Require Chef 13 or later

2.0.1 (2017-10-17)

  • Stop using deprecated chef::Mixin:recipeDefinitionDSLCore

2.0.0 (2016-09-16)

  • Testing updates
  • Speed up intstalls with multipackage
  • Require Chef 12.1+

1.1.1 (2016-08-11)

  • Testing updates
  • Properly fail on RHEL 7 / Fedora
  • Update to clarify that RHEL 7 removed the hearbeat package


  • Added support for RHEL platforms by requiring yum-epel cookbook


  • Added .foodcritic file to skip certain rules
  • Updated .gitignore file
  • Added Test Kitchen config
  • Added Chef standard Rubocop config
  • Added testing in Travis CI
  • Added a Berksfile
  • Updated contributing and testing docs
  • Added and maintainers.toml files
  • Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the readme
  • Expanded the requirements section in the readme and clarify the minimum supported Chef release is 11
  • Updated Opscode -> Chef Software
  • Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
  • Added a Chefignore file
  • Resolved Rubocop warnings
  • Added long_description to the metadata
  • Added source_url and issues_url to the metadata
  • Added basic Chefspec convergence test


  • [COOK-1692] - Make heartbeat available for Centos/Redhat
  • [COOK-1699] - add LWRP for heartbeat configuration


  • Current public release.

Collaborator Number Metric

3.0.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

3.0.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Cookstyle Metric

3.0.0 failed this metric

Chef/Correctness/ChefApplicationFatal: Use raise to force Chef Infra Client to fail instead of using Chef::Application.fatal ( heartbeat/recipes/default.rb: 21
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( heartbeat/resources/default.rb: 31
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( heartbeat/resources/default.rb: 32
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( heartbeat/resources/default.rb: 44
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( heartbeat/resources/default.rb: 48
Chef/Deprecations/FoodcriticFile: Do not include the `.foodcritic` config file for the deprecated Foodcritic cookbook linter. ( heartbeat/.foodcritic: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( heartbeat/resources/default.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( heartbeat/resources/ipaddr.rb: 1
Chef/Modernize/SetOrReturnInResources: Do not use set_or_return within a method to define a property for a resource. Use the property method instead, which supports validation, reporting, and documentation functionality ( heartbeat/libraries/default.rb: 36

Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations

No Binaries Metric

3.0.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

3.0.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

3.0.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number