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jira (29) Versions 2.5.0

Installs/Configures Atlassian JIRA.

cookbook 'jira', '= 2.5.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'jira', '= 2.5.0'
knife supermarket install jira
knife supermarket download jira
Quality 0%

Jira Cookbook

Chef cookbook
Build Status

WARNING - This cookbook was essentially replaced by a new cookbook starting version 2.0. This is a breaking change.


Installs/Configures Atlassian JIRA. Please see []( for more information about JIRA releases that are tested and supported by this cookbook and its versions.



  • Chef 11+ for version 2.0.0+ of this cookbook


  • CentOS 6
  • RHEL 6
  • Ubuntu 12.04


  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Postgres


Required Opscode Cookbooks

  • apache2 (if using apache2 recipe)
  • ark
  • database (if using database recipe)
  • mysql (if using database recipe with MySQL)
  • postgresql (if using database recipe with Postgres)

Required Third-Party Cookbooks

Suggested Opscode Cookbooks


The Atlassian JIRA Linux installer will automatically configure a bundled JRE. If you wish to use your own JDK/JRE, with say the java cookbook, then as of this writing it must be Oracle and version 1.6 (Supported Platforms)

Necessary configuration with java cookbook:
* node['java']['install_flavor'] = "oracle"
* node['java']['oracle']['accept_oracle_download_terms'] = true
* recipe[java]

A /ht to @seekely for the documentation nudge.


These attributes are under the node['jira'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
checksum SHA256 checksum for JIRA install String auto-detected by helper method
home_path home directory for JIRA String /var/atlassian/application-data/jira
install_path location to install JIRA String /opt/atlassian/jira
install_type JIRA install type - "installer" or "standalone" String installer
init_type JIRA init service type - "sysv" String sysv
url URL for JIRA install String auto-detected by helper method
user user running JIRA String jira
version JIRA version to install String 6.1.5

JIRA Database Attributes

All of these node['jira']['database'] attributes are overridden by jira/jira encrypted data bag (Hosted Chef) or data bag (Chef Solo), if it exists

Attribute Description Type Default
host FQDN or "localhost" (localhost automatically installs ['database']['type'] server in default recipe) String localhost
name JIRA database name String jira
password JIRA database user password String changeit
type JIRA database type - "mssql", "mysql", or "postgresql" String mysql
user JIRA database user String jira

JIRA JVM Attributes

These attributes are under the node['jira']['jvm'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
minimum_memory JVM minimum memory String 512m
maximum_memory JVM maximum memory String 768m
maximum_permgen JVM maximum PermGen memory String 256m
java_opts additional JAVA_OPTS to be passed to JIRA JVM during startup String ""
support_args additional JAVA_OPTS recommended by Atlassian support for JIRA JVM during startup String ""

JIRA Tomcat Attributes

These attributes are under the node['jira']['tomcat'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
port Tomcat HTTP port Fixnum 8080


  • recipe['jira'] 'Installs/configures Atlassian JIRA'
  • recipe['jira::apache2'] 'Installs/configures Apache 2 as proxy (ports 80/443)'
  • recipe['jira::container_server_configuration'] 'Configures container server for JIRA deployment'
  • recipe['jira::database'] 'Installs/configures MySQL/Postgres server, database, and user for JIRA'
  • recipe['jira::installer'] 'Installs/configures JIRA via installer'
  • recipe['jira::standalone'] 'Installs/configures JIRA via standalone archive'


JIRA Server Data Bag

Optionally for securely overriding attributes on Hosted Chef, create a jira/jira encrypted data bag with the model below. Chef Solo can override the same attributes with a jira/jira unencrypted data bag of the same information.

* ['database']['type'] - "mssql", "mysql", or "postgresql"
* ['database']['host'] - FQDN or "localhost" (localhost automatically installs ['database']['type'] server)
* ['database']['name'] - Name of JIRA database
* ['database']['user'] - JIRA database username
* ['database']['password'] - JIRA database username password

* ['database']['port'] - Database port, defaults to standard database port for ['database']['type']

Repeat for other Chef environments as necessary. Example:

  "id": "jira",
  "development": {
    "database": {
      "type": "postgresql",
      "host": "localhost",
      "name": "jira",
      "user": "jira",
      "password": "jira_db_password",

Default JIRA Installation

The simplest method is via the default recipe, which uses node['jira']['install_type'] (defaults to installer).

  • Optionally (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create jira
    • knife data bag edit jira jira --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add recipe[jira] to your node's run list.

Standalone JIRA Installation

Operates similarly to installer installation, however has added benefits of using ark to create version symlinks of each install. Easily can rollback upgrades by changing node['jira']['version'].

  • Optionally (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create jira
    • knife data bag edit jira jira --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Set node['jira']['install_type'] to standalone
  • Add recipe[jira] to your node's run list.

JIRA WAR Support

Starting from JIRA 7, WAR installation is no longer supported:

Custom JIRA Configurations

Using individual recipes, you can use this cookbook to configure JIRA to fit your environment.

  • Optionally (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create jira
    • knife data bag edit jira jira --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add individual recipes to your node's run list.

Testing and Development

  • Quickly testing with Vagrant: [](
  • Full development and testing workflow with Test Kitchen and friends: [](

For Vagrant, you may need to add the following hosts entries:

  • jira-centos-6
  • jira-ubuntu-1204
  • (etc.)

The running JIRA server is then accessible from the host machine:

CentOS 6 Box:
* Web UI (installer/standalone): https://jira-centos-6/

Ubuntu 12.04 Box:
* Web UI (installer/standalone): https://jira-ubuntu-1204/


Please see contributing information in: [](


  • KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Please see licensing information in: [LICENSE](LICENSE)

Dependent cookbooks

apache2 >= 0.0.0
ark >= 0.0.0
database >= 0.0.0
java >= 0.0.0
mysql ~> 6.0
mysql_connector >= 0.0.0
mysql2_chef_gem >= 0.0.0
postgresql >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

x.y.z (pending)

  • MIGRATED: renamed cookbook chef_jira -> jira after getting the supermarket namespace
  • Bump default version to JIRA 6.4.11
  • Use https for Jira downloads. [GH-18]
  • Added service restart when ark resource changes. [GH-16]
  • Added support for PostgreSQL 9.2+ in dbconfig.xml. [GH-14]
  • Fixed LWRPs after cookbook name change. [GH-13]
  • Set Tomcat proxyName/proxyPort even without SSL. [GH-11]
  • Removed unnecessary non-dynamic web.xml template. [GH-10]
  • Fixed setting of jira.home for all install types. [GH-15]

Thanks go to @elijah @gsreynolds @legal90 and @patcon for helping out in this


  • MIGRATED: renamed cookbook jira -> chef_jira


  • Bugfix: #8: Remove include_attribute from default attributes to prevent hard dependency on tomcat cookbook


If you were using the default recipe, there are no changes you need to make for your environment to upgrade this cookbook.

Major features are full support for standalone deployments and war building/deployments. Using ark where possible (its worked well for those using my Stash cookbook).

I've removed the upgrade recipe in favor of using ark. If you'd like to keep old JIRA installations around (in case of upgrade issues, etc.), I would recommend switching to the standalone install_type since ark will automatically create versioned symlinks and you can easily revert node['jira']['version']. To convert install_type if install_path is the default (X.Y.Z being currently installed node['jira']['version']):
* service jira stop
* mv /opt/atlassian/jira /opt/atlassian/jira-X.Y.Z
* ln -s /opt/atlassian/jira-X.Y.Z /opt/atlassian/jira
* Set node['jira']['install_type'] to standalone
* Run Chef Client

Other than that, migrated some recipes/templates and split out some recipes from the old linux_installer recipe, so ensure that if you're using a custom run list or template override for any nodes, that they include the new recipes/template location as necessary.

Full details:
* REMOVED: upgrade recipe and associated backup_* and *_backup attributes
* MIGRATED: linux_installer -> installer recipe
* MIGRATED: tomcat_configuration -> container_server_configuration recipe
* MIGRATED: Tomcat templates into tomcat folder:
* -> tomcat/
* server.xml.erb -> tomcat/server.xml.erb
* -> tomcat/
* web.xml.erb -> tomcat/web.xml.erb
* SPLIT: SysV init service configuration into sysv recipe and add init_type attribute
* SPLIT: database jar deployment (mysql_connector_j, etc.) into container_server_jars recipe which also installs JIRA jars for war install_type
* Bugfix: Use :create action instead of :create_if_missing for installer remote_file
* Enhancement: Add standalone and war recipes and quite a few attributes for supporting those install_type's
* Enhancement: Add build_war recipe
* Enhancement: LWRPs for handling multiple instances of install, etc.
* Enhancement: Bump default JIRA version to 6.1.5


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.1


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.0.7


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.0.6


  • Initial Microsoft SQL Server support


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.0.5


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.0.2


  • Bump default JIRA version to 6.0.1


  • Split default recipe into individual recipes
  • apache2 recipe does not include default recipe
  • Load database/tomcat settings via Jira.settings library (bonus: help support Chef Solo)
  • Moved apache2 attributes into default attributes
  • Bump default JIRA version to 5.2.11
  • Added url_base attribute
  • Auto-detect checksum attribute for some versions
  • Added Vagrantfile and Test Kitchen for testing
  • minitest fixes
  • Added
  • Refactored README documentation


  • Chef 11 fixes in apache2 recipe


  • Hopefully removed hard dependency on java_ark from java cookbook


  • Added template for custom JAVA_HOME, otherwise always defaults to JIRA installed JRE


  • Initial release

Foodcritic Metric

2.5.0 failed this metric

FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required: /tmp/cook/f1751b19ac15731e7e283f47/jira/recipes/installer.rb:19
FC052: Metadata uses the unimplemented "suggests" keyword: /tmp/cook/f1751b19ac15731e7e283f47/jira/metadata.rb:24