cookbook 'logstash-forwarder', '= 0.2.0'
logstash-forwarder (6) Versions 0.2.0 Follow6
Installs and configures logstash-forwarder
cookbook 'logstash-forwarder', '= 0.2.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install logstash-forwarder
knife supermarket download logstash-forwarder
Cookbook with LWRPs for install and managing logstash-forwarder
- amazon 2014
- redhat 6
- centos 6
- scientific 6
- fedora 18, 19
- debian 7
- ubuntu >= 12.04
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['logstash-forwarder']['package_name'] | logstash-forwarder package name | String | logstash-forwarder |
node['logstash-forwarder']['service_name'] | logstash-forwarder service name | String | logstash-forwarder |
node['logstash-forwarder']['logstash_servers'] | List of servers, which will be used as downstream. | Array | ['localhost:5043'] |
node['logstash-forwarder']['timeout'] | Network timeout in seconds. This parameter will be passed to config file. | Integer | 15 |
node['logstash-forwarder']['config_path'] | The path to the config file | String | /etc/logstash-forwarder.conf |
node['logstash-forwarder']['version'] | logstash-forwarder package version | String | 0.4.0 |
node['logstash-forwarder']['ssl_ca'] | The path to trusted ssl ca certificate. Downstream servers must be signed by this cetificate. | String | platform dependent |
node['logstash-forwarder']['package_url'] | Url from which to load the logstash-forwarder package. | String | platform dependent |
Adds information about wich files must be forwarded to remote logstash server to config file.
Attribute | Description | Type |
paths | List of files, which will be forwarded to remote logstash server | Array |
fields | A dictionary of fields to annotate on each event. | Hash |
You may see examples in fixture cookbook: [test/fixtures/lwrp_test/recipes/default.rb](test/fixtures/lwrp_test/recipes/default.rb)
- Author:: Pavel Yudin (
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
yum >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Foodcritic Metric
0.2.0 passed this metric
0.2.0 passed this metric