cookbook 'mongodb3', '= 1.0.0'
mongodb3 (10) Versions 1.0.0 Follow22
Installs/Configures mongodb3
cookbook 'mongodb3', '= 1.0.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install mongodb3
knife supermarket download mongodb3
mongodb3 cookbook
Install and configure the MongoDB 3.0.x
- Install and configure the mongod (or configure the config server for shard cluster)
- Install and configure the mongos
- Also, mongos configure the mongos service with runit :
service mongos start|stop|restart|status
- Also, mongos configure the mongos service with runit :
- Install the MMS Automation Agent
Supported Platforms
- Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04
- CentOS 5.11, 6.6
- Oralce 6.6
Cookbook Attributes
# MongoDB version to install
default['mongodb3']['version'] = '3.0.4' or '3.0.4-1.el[5|6]'
# MongoDB user:group
default['mongodb3']['user'] = 'mongod' | 'mongodb'
default['mongodb3']['group'] = 'mongod' | 'mongodb'
# Mongod config file path
default['mongodb3']['mongod']['config_file'] = '/etc/mongod.conf'
# Mongos config file path
default['mongodb3']['mongos']['config_file'] = '/etc/mongos.conf'
# Key file contents
default['mongodb3']['config']['key_file_content'] = nil
Mongod config Attributes
- The default value of the attribute is referred to the MongoDB documentation.
- The
value attribute will be ignored for mongod config file. - This cookbook fills nil for some of the attribute value to concise initial mongod config file.
- Also, deprecated attributed is not included.
systemLog Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['quiet'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['traceAllException'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['syslogFacility'] = nil # default : 'user'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['path'] = '/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['logAppend'] = true # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['logRotate'] = nil # default : 'rename'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['destination'] = 'file' # default : 'file'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['timeStampFormat'] = nil # default : 'iso8601-local'
systemLog.component Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['accessControl']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['command']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['control']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['geo']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['index']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['network']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['query']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['replication']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['sharding']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['storage']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['storage']['journal']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['systemLog']['component']['write']['verbosity'] = nil # default : 0
processManagement Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['processManagement']['fork'] = true or nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['processManagement']['pidFilePath'] = '/var/run/mongodb/' or nil
net Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['port'] = 27017
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['bindIp'] = nil # default : ''
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['maxIncomingConnections'] = nil # default : 65536
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['wireObjectCheck'] = nil # default : true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ipv6'] = nil # default : false
net.unixDomainSocket Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['unixDomainSocket']['enabled'] = nil # default : true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['unixDomainSocket']['pathPrefix'] = nil # default : '/tmp'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['unixDomainSocket']['filePermissions'] = nil # default : '0700'
net.http Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['http']['enabled'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['http']['JSONPEnabled'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['http']['RESTInterfaceEnabled'] = nil # default : false
net.ssl Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['mode'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['PEMKeyFile'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['PEMKeyPassword'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['clusterFile'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['clusterPassword'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['CAFile'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['CRLFile'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['allowInvalidCertificates'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['allowInvalidHostnames'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['net']['ssl']['FIPSMode'] = nil
security Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['keyFile'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['clusterAuthMode'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['authorization'] = 'disabled'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['javascriptEnabled'] = nil # default : true
security.sasl Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['sasl']['hostName'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['sasl']['serviceName'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['security']['sasl']['saslauthdSocketPath'] = nil
storage Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['dbPath'] = '/var/lib/mongo' | '/var/lib/mongodb'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['indexBuildRetry'] = nil # default : true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['repairPath'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['journal']['enabled'] = true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['directoryPerDB'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['syncPeriodSecs'] = nil # default : 60
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['engine'] = 'mmapv1'
storage.mmapv1 Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['preallocDataFiles'] = nil # default : true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['nsSize'] = nil # default : 16
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['quota']['enforced'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['quota']['maxFilesPerDB'] = nil # default : 8
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['smallFiles'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['journal']['debugFlags'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['mmapv1']['journal']['commitIntervalMs'] = nil # default : 100 or 30
storage.wiredTiger Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['engineConfig']['cacheSizeGB'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['engineConfig']['statisticsLogDelaySecs'] = nil # default : 0
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['engineConfig']['journalCompressor'] = nil # default : 'snappy'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['engineConfig']['directoryForIndexes'] = nil # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['collectionConfig']['blockCompressor'] = nil # default : 'snappy'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['storage']['wiredTiger']['indexConfig']['prefixCompression'] = nil # default : true
operationProfiling Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['operationProfiling']['slowOpThresholdMs'] = nil # default : 100
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['operationProfiling']['mode'] = nil # default : 'off'
replication Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['replication']['oplogSizeMB'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['replication']['replSetName'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['replication']['secondaryIndexPrefetch'] = nil # default : 'all'
sharding Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['sharding']['clusterRole'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['sharding']['archiveMovedChunks'] = nil # default : true
auditLog Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['auditLog']['destination'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['auditLog']['format'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['auditLog']['path'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['auditLog']['filter'] = nil
snmp Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['snmp']['subagent'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongod']['snmp']['master'] = nil
Mongos config Attributes
Default config for mongos
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['net']['port'] = 27018 # default : 27017
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['net']['bindIp'] = '' # default : ''
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['systemLog']['path'] = '/var/log/mongodb/mongos.log'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['systemLog']['logAppend'] = true # default : false
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['systemLog']['destination'] = 'file' # default : 'file'
mongos-only Options
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['replication']['localPingThresholdMs'] = nil # default : 15
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['sharding']['autoSplit'] = true # default : true
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['sharding']['configDB'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mongos']['sharding']['chunkSize'] = 64 # default : 64
MMS Automation Agent
- This cookbook is not manage the
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['mmsGroupId'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['mmsApiKey'] = nil
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['logLevel'] = 'INFO'
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['maxLogFiles'] = 10
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['maxLogFileSize'] = 268435456
default['mongodb3']['config']['mms']['httpProxy'] = nil
Install and configure the mongod or config server instance.
Include mongodb3::default
in your node's run_list
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::default]" ] }
Install and configure the mongos.
Include mongodb3::mongos
in your node's run_list
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::mongos]" ] }
Install the MMS Automation Agent.
Include mongodb3::mms_agent
in your node's run_list
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::mms_agent]" ] }
Default mongod.conf file contents
Simply mongodb3::default
recipe with none of additional attribute setting
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::default]" ] }
Result of mongod.conf
# THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY CHEF. DO NOT MODIFY AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. --- systemLog: path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true destination: file net: port: 27017 security: authorization: disabled storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb journal: enabled: true engine: mmapv1
Role file
You can set the config attribute on node or wrapper recipe.
{ "name": "replica", "description": "Role for Replica set", "json_class": "Chef::Role", "default_attributes": { "mongodb3" : { "config" : { "mongod" : { "replication" : { "replSetName" : "replset-1" } } } } }, "override_attributes": { }, "chef_type": "role", "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::default]" ], "env_run_lists": { } }
Result of mongod.conf
# THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY CHEF. DO NOT MODIFY AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. --- systemLog: path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true destination: file net: port: 27017 security: authorization: disabled storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb journal: enabled: true engine: mmapv1 replication: replSetName: replset-1
Config server
Role file
You can set the config attribute on node or wrapper recipe.
{ "name": "configsvr", "description": "Role for MongoDB Config server", "json_class": "Chef::Role", "default_attributes": { "mongodb3": { "config" : { "mongod" : { "net" : { "port" : 27019 }, "sharding" : { "clusterRole" : "configsvr" } } } } }, "override_attributes": { }, "chef_type": "role", "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::default]" ], "env_run_lists": { } }
Result of mongod.conf
# THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY CHEF. DO NOT MODIFY AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. --- systemLog: path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true destination: file net: port: 27019 security: authorization: disabled storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb journal: enabled: true engine: mmapv1 sharding: clusterRole: configsvr
WiredTiger storage engine config
Role file
You can set the config attribute on node or wrapper recipe.
{ "name": "wired_tiger", "description": "Role for testing Wired Tiger storage engine", "json_class": "Chef::Role", "default_attributes": { "mongodb3" : { "config" : { "mongod" : { "storage" : { "dbPath" : "/var/lib/mongodb/wiredTiger", "engine" : "wiredTiger", "wiredTiger" : { "engineConfig" : { "cacheSizeGB" : 10, "statisticsLogDelaySecs" : 60, "journalCompressor" : "snappy", "directoryForIndexes" : false }, "collectionConfig" : { "blockCompressor" : "snappy" }, "indexConfig" : { "prefixCompression" : true } } } } } } }, "override_attributes": { }, "chef_type": "role", "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::default]" ], "env_run_lists": { } }
Result of mongod.conf
# THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY CHEF. DO NOT MODIFY AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. --- systemLog: path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true destination: file net: port: 27017 security: authorization: disabled storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb/wiredTiger journal: enabled: true engine: wiredTiger wiredTiger: engineConfig: cacheSizeGB: 10 statisticsLogDelaySecs: 60 journalCompressor: snappy directoryForIndexes: false collectionConfig: blockCompressor: snappy indexConfig: prefixCompression: true
Role file
You can set the config attribute on node or wrapper recipe.
{ "name": "mongos", "description": "Role for Mongos", "json_class": "Chef::Role", "default_attributes": { "mongodb3" : { "config" : { "mongos" : { "sharding" : { "configDB" : "configsvr1:27019, configsvr2:27019, configsvr3:27019" } } } } }, "override_attributes": { }, "chef_type": "role", "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::mongos]" ], "env_run_lists": { } }
Result of mongos.conf
# THIS FILE IS MAINTAINED BY CHEF. DO NOT MODIFY AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. --- net: port: 27017 bindIp: systemLog: path: /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log logAppend: true destination: file sharding: autoSplit: true configDB: configsvr1:27019, configsvr2:27019, configsvr3:27019 chunkSize: 64
MMS Automation agent
Role file
You can set the config attribute on node or wrapper recipe.
{ "name": "mms_agent", "description": "Role for MMS automation agent", "json_class": "Chef::Role", "default_attributes": { "mongodb3" : { "config" : { "mms" : { "group_id" : "grpgrpididid", "api_key" : "apikeykekekekeke" } } } }, "override_attributes": { }, "chef_type": "role", "run_list": [ "recipe[mongodb3::mms_agent]" ], "env_run_lists": { } }
Result of /etc/mongodb-mms/automation-agent.config
# /etc/mongodb-mms/automation-agent.config # # REQUIRED # Enter your Group ID - It can be found at # mmsGroupId=grpgrpididid # # REQUIRED # Enter your API key - It can be found at # mmsApiKey=apikeykekekekeke # # Base url of the MMS web server. # mmsBaseUrl= # # Path to log file # logFile=/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/automation-agent.log # # Path to backup cluster config to # mmsConfigBackup=/var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation/mms-cluster-config-backup.json # # Lowest log level to log. Can be (in order): DEBUG, ROUTINE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DOOM # logLevel=INFO # # Maximum number of rotated log files # maxLogFiles=10 # # Maximum size in bytes of a log file (before rotating) # maxLogFileSize=268435456 # # URL to proxy all HTTP requests through # #httpProxy= # For additional optional settings, please see #
License and Authors
Author:: Sunggun Yu (
Copyright (c) 2015, Sunggun Yu. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
mongodb3 Cookbook CHANGELOG
mongodb3 Chef Cookbook 1.0.0 release.
Bug fixes.
Initial release of mongodb3
Foodcritic Metric
1.0.0 passed this metric
1.0.0 passed this metric