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newrelic (133) Versions 2.45.1

Installs/Configures New Relic

cookbook 'newrelic', '= 2.45.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'newrelic', '= 2.45.1'
knife supermarket install newrelic
knife supermarket download newrelic
Quality 0%

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newrelic cookbook


This cookbook provides an easy way to install various New Relic application monitoring agents and the New Relic Infrastructure agent.

The agent installs are being converted into libraries, currently the following agents are now resources:

  • server_monitor
  • php_agent
  • java_agent
  • ruby_agent
  • python_agent
  • nodejs_agent
  • dotnet_agent
  • infrastructure_agent

More information?


Chef version:

Make sure you run Chef >= 12.1


  • curl
  • apt
  • yum


  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • RHEL
  • CentOS
  • Fedora
  • Scientific
  • Amazon
  • Windows
  • SmartOS
  • Oracle




  • node['newrelic']['license'] - Your New Relic license key. Default is nil
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['license'] - Your New Relic license key for server monitoring purposes (defaults to value of node['newrelic']['license'])
  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['license'] - Your New Relic license key for application monitoring purposes (defaults to value of node['newrelic']['license'])


  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['logfile']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['loglevel']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['proxy']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['ssl']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['ssl_ca_bundle']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['ssl_ca_path']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['hostname']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['labels']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['pidfile']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['collector_host']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['timeout']
  • node['newrelic']['server_monitoring']['other_options']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['enabled']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['logfile']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['logfile_path']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['loglevel']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['app_name']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['logfile']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['loglevel']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['port']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['max_threads']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['ssl']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['ssl_ca_path']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['ssl_ca_bundle']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['proxy']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['pidfile']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['location']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['collector_host']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['daemon']['dont_launch']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['capture_params']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['ignored_params']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['error_collector']['enable']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['error_collector']['ignore_errors']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['error_collector']['ignore_status_codes']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['error_collector']['record_database_errors']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['error_collector']['prioritize_api_errors']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['browser_monitoring']['auto_instrument']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['enable']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['threshold']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['detail']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['slow_sql']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['stack_trace_threshold']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['explain_threshold']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['record_sql']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['transaction_tracer']['custom']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['framework']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['webtransaction']['name']['remove_trailing_path']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['webtransaction']['name']['functions']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['webtransaction']['name']['files']

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['cross_application_tracer']['enable'] - Implemented for Java, PHP, Python and Ruby

  • node['newrelic']['application_monitoring']['thread_profiler']['enable'] - Implemented for Java, Python and Ruby


  • node['newrelic']['repository']['key'] - URL to the New Relic repository key, defaults to ""
  • node['newrelic']['repository']['proxy'] - Repository proxy host, defaults to nil
  • node['newrelic']['repository']['proxy_username'] - Repository proxy username, defaults to nil
  • node['newrelic']['repository']['proxy_password'] - Repository proxy password, defaults to nil


  • node['newrelic']['python_agent']['agent_action'] - Agent action, defaults to :install
  • node['newrelic']['python_agent']['config_file'] - The New Relic python agent config file, defaults to "/etc/newrelic/newrelic.ini"
  • node['newrelic']['python_agent']['template']['cookbook'] - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • node['newrelic']['python_agent']['template']['source'] - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/python/newrelic.ini.erb'
  • node['newrelic']['python_agent']['feature_flag'] - Sets feature_flag, defaults to nil


  • node['newrelic']['dotnet_agent']['https_download'] - The URL to download the MSI installer from New Relic. Defaults to nil, so default in resource ( is picked up.
  • node['newrelic']['dotnet_agent']['install_level'] - The install version of the .NET Agent. Defaults to nil, so default in resource ('1') is picked up.


  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['version'] - New Relic Java Agent version to use. To find the current version, check New Relic repo
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['install_dir'] - The directory to install the newrelic jar and config file
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['app_user'] - The user that runs the Java application that will use the New Relic Java agent
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['app_group'] - The group for the app_user
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['audit_mode'] - Boolean, log all data to and from New Relic in plain text
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['log_file_count'] - The number of log files to use
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['log_limit_in_kbytes'] - The maximum number of bytes to write to any one log file
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['log_daily'] - Override other log rolling configuration and roll the logs daily
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['agent_action'] - Agent action, defaults to :install
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['execute_agent_action'] - Execute the agent action or not, defaults to true
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['enable_custom_tracing'] - Configure New Relic to detect custom traces
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['app_location'] - Application server's location, defaults to nil
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['template']['cookbook'] - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • node['newrelic']['java_agent']['template']['source'] - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/newrelic.yml.erb'


  • node['newrelic']['nodejs_agent']['agent_action'] - Agent action, defaults to :install
  • node['newrelic']['nodejs_agent']['apps'] - Array of Hash describing the apps to monitor


   { 'app_name' => 'My Application', 'app_path' => "/path/to/app/root" }

You then need to modify your application "main" file to add the following on the first line:

  • node['newrelic']['nodejs_agent']['template']['cookbook'] - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • node['newrelic']['nodejs_agent']['template']['source'] - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/nodejs/newrelic.js.erb'


  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['agent_action'] - Agent action, defaults to :install
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['install_dir'] - The directory to for the config file
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['app_user'] - The user that runs the Ruby application that will use the New Relic Ruby agent
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['app_group'] - The group for the app_user
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['audit_mode'] - Boolean, log all data to and from New Relic in plain text
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['log_file_count'] - The number of log files to use
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['log_limit_in_kbytes'] - The maximum number of bytes to write to any one log file
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['log_daily'] - Override other log rolling configuration and roll the logs daily
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['template']['cookbook'] - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • node['newrelic']['ruby_agent']['template']['source'] - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/newrelic.yml.erb'

MeetMe plugin

To make sure the cookbook is focussed on getting New Relic server and application monitoring, no plugin logic is provided here.
The New Relic MeetMe plugin-logic is still available, in a separate cookbook: newrelic_meetme_plugin.

Resources / Providers


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the server monitor agent

The newrelic_server_monitor resource will handle the requirements to configure server monitoring.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic repository, install and install package.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic package

Attribute parameters

  • 'service_name' - The New Relic server monitoring service name, defaults to 'newrelic-sysmond'
  • 'service_notify_action' - The New Relic server monitoring notify action, defaults to ":restart"
  • 'service_actions' - The New Relic server monitoring service actions, defaults to "%w(enable start)" (#starts the service if it's not running and enables it to start at system boot time)
  • 'config_path' - The New Relic server monitoring config path, defaults to "/etc/newrelic"
  • 'config_file_group' - The New Relic server monitoring config file group, defaults to "newrelic"
  • 'windows_version' - the Windows version to install, defaults to ""
  • 'windows64_checksum' - checksum of the 64-bit Windows version, defaults to "5a8f3f5e8f15997463430401756d377c321c8899c2790ca85e5587a5b643651e"
  • 'windows32_checksum' - checksum of the 32-bit Windows version, defaults to "ac2b65eecaad461fdd2e4386e3e4c9f96ea940b35bdf7a8c532c21dbd1c99ff0"
  • 'cookbook' - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'source' - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/server_monitor/nrsysmond.cfg.erb'

Advanced parameters

  • 'logfile' - defaults to nil
  • 'loglevel' - defaults to nil
  • 'proxy' - defaults to nil
  • 'ssl' - defaults to nil
  • 'ssl_ca_bundle' - defaults to nil
  • 'ssl_ca_path' - defaults to nil
  • 'hostname' - defaults to nil
  • 'labels' - defaults to nil
  • 'pidfile' - defaults to nil
  • 'collector_host' - defaults to nil
  • 'timeout' - defaults to nil
  • 'other_options' - defaults to empty Hash
  • 'alert_policy_id' - defaults to nil


newrelic_server_monitor 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the php agent

The newrelic_agent_php resource will handle the requirements to install php application monitoring.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic repository, install package and update php config with license key.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic package

Attribute parameters

  • 'version' - PHP Agent version, defaults to latest
  • 'license' - New Relic license key
  • 'install_silently' - Determine whether to run the install in silent mode, defaults to false
  • 'app_name' - The application name, defaults to PHP Application.
  • 'startup_mode' - The newrelic-daemon startup mode ("agent"/"external"), defaults to "agent"
  • 'service_name' - The web server service name
  • 'service_action' - The web server service action, defaults to "restart"
  • 'config_file' - The New Relic php agent config file, depends on your php external configuration directory; e.g. /etc/php5/conf.d/newrelic.ini, /etc/php5/mods-available/newrelic.ini, ... Defaults to nil
  • 'config_file_to_be_deleted' - The New Relic php agent-generated config file, e.g. /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/newrelic.ini. If set, the file will get deleted during the Chef run as we want the Chef-generated config file to be used instead ('config_file'), defaults to nil
  • 'enable_module' - Enables 'newrelic' php module (ie. php5enmod newrelic / phpenmod newrelic) if true. Needed if you use the mods-available directory, defaults to false
  • 'cookbook_ini' - Sets cookbook for .ini template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'source_ini' - Sets source for .ini template, defaults to 'agent/php/newrelic.ini.erb'
  • 'cookbook' - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'source' - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/php/newrelic.cfg.erb'

Advanced parameters

  • 'enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'logfile' - Defaults to nil
  • 'loglevel' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_logfile' - Defaults to '/var/log/newrelic/newrelic-daemon.log'
  • 'daemon_loglevel' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_port' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_max_threads' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_ssl' - Defaults to true
  • 'daemon_ssl_ca_path' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_ssl_ca_bundle' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_pidfile' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_location' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_collector_host' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_dont_launch' - Defaults to nil
  • 'capture_params' - Defaults to false
  • 'ignored_params' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_record_database_errors' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_prioritize_api_errors' - Defaults to false
  • 'browser_monitoring_auto_instrument' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_detail' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_slow_sql' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_stack_trace_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_explain_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_record_sql' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_custom' - Defaults to nil
  • 'framework' - Defaults to nil
  • 'webtransaction_name_remove_trailing_path' - Defaults to false
  • 'webtransaction_name_functions' - Defaults to nil
  • 'webtransaction_name_files' - Defaults to nil
  • 'cross_application_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'distributed_tracing_enabled' - Defaults to false
  • 'distributed_tracing_exclude_newrelic_header' - Default to false


newrelic_agent_php 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'
  app_name 'php_test_app'
  service_name 'httpd'
  config_file '/etc/php.d/newrelic.ini'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the ruby agent

The newrelic_agent_ruby resource will handle the requirements to install ruby application monitoring.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic repository, install package and update ruby config with license key.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic package

Attribute parameters

  • 'install_dir' - The directory to for the config file
  • 'app_user' - The user that runs the Ruby application that will use the New Relic Ruby agent
  • 'app_group' - The group for the app_user
  • 'audit_mode' - Boolean, log all data to and from New Relic in plain text
  • 'log_file_count' - The number of log files to use
  • 'log_limit_in_kbytes' - The maximum number of bytes to write to any one log file
  • 'log_daily' - Override other log rolling configuration and roll the logs daily
  • 'template_cookbook' - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'template_source' - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/newrelic.yml.erb

Advanced parameters

  • 'enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'app_name' - Defaults to nil
  • 'high_security' - Defaults to false
  • 'owner' - Defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'group' - Defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'logfile' - Defaults to 'newrelic-daemon.log'
  • 'logfile_path' - Defaults to '/var/log/newrelic/'
  • 'loglevel' - Defaults to nil
  • 'audit_mode' - Defaults to false
  • 'log_file_count' - Fixnum, defaults to 1
  • 'log_limit_in_kbytes' - Fixnum, defaults to 0
  • 'log_daily' - Defaults to true
  • 'daemon_ssl' - Defaults to true
  • 'daemon_proxy' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_host' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_port' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_user' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_password' - Defaults to nil
  • 'capture_params' - Defaults to nil
  • 'ignored_params' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_record_sql' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_stack_trace_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_slow_sql' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_explain_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_ignore_errors' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_ignore_status_codes' - Defaults to nil
  • 'circuitbreaker_enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'circuitbreaker_memory_threshold' - Defaults to 20
  • 'circuitbreaker_gc_cpu_threshold' - Defaults to 10
  • 'browser_monitoring_auto_instrument' - Defaults to nil
  • 'cross_application_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'thread_profiler_enable' - Defaults to true


newrelic_agent_ruby 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'
  app_name 'ruby_test_app'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the java agent

The newrelic_agent_java resource will handle the requirements to install java application monitoring.


  • :install - will retrieve Java agent, install and update config with license key.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic agent.

Attribute parameters

  • 'license' - New Relic license key
  • 'version' - New Relic Java Agent version to use. To find the current version, check New Relic repo
  • 'https_download' - The url to download the jar for the New Relic Java agent. If you override version parameter, you must also update this.
  • 'jar_file' - The name of the newrelic jar file that will be used locally, defaults to newrelic-agent-version.jar
  • 'install_dir' - The directory to install the newrelic jar and config file
  • 'app_user' - The user that runs the Java application that will use the New Relic Java agent
  • 'app_group' - The group for the app_user
  • 'audit_mode' - Boolean, log all data to and from New Relic in plain text
  • 'log_file_count' - The number of log files to use
  • 'log_limit_in_kbytes' - The maximum number of bytes to write to any one log file
  • 'log_daily' - Override other log rolling configuration and roll the logs daily
  • 'agent_action' - Agent action, defaults to :install
  • 'execute_agent_action' - Execute the agent action or not, defaults to true
  • 'app_location' - Application's location, defaults to install_dir
  • 'template_cookbook' - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'template_source' - Sets source for template, defaults to agent/newrelic.yml.erb

Advanced parameters

  • 'enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'high_security' - Defaults to false
  • 'owner' - Defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'group' - Defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'logfile' - Defaults to nil
  • 'logfile_path' - Defaults to nil
  • 'loglevel' - Defaults to nil
  • 'audit_mode' - Defaults to false
  • 'log_file_count' - Defaults to nil
  • 'log_limit_in_kbytes' - Defaults to nil
  • 'log_daily' - Defaults to false
  • 'daemon_ssl' - Defaults to true
  • 'daemon_proxy' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_host' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_port' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_user' - Defaults to nil
  • 'daemon_proxy_password' - Defaults to nil
  • 'capture_params' - Defaults to nil
  • 'ignored_params' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_record_sql' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_stack_trace_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_slow_sql' - Defaults to nil
  • 'transaction_tracer_explain_threshold' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_ignore_errors' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_ignore_classes' - Defaults to nil
  • 'error_collector_ignore_status_codes' - Defaults to nil
  • 'circuitbreaker_enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'circuitbreaker_memory_threshold' - Defaults to 20
  • 'circuitbreaker_gc_cpu_threshold' - Defaults to 10
  • 'browser_monitoring_auto_instrument' - Defaults to nil
  • 'cross_application_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'thread_profiler_enable' - Defaults to true


newrelic_agent_java 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'
  install_dir '/opt/newrelic/java'
  app_name 'java_test_app'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the newrelic python agent

The newrelic_agent_python resource will handle the requirements to install python application monitoring.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic repository, install package and update newrelic python config with license key.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic package

Attribute parameters

for an explanation on each attribute.

  • 'license' - NewRelic license key
  • 'config_file' - Path to config file. Default '/etc/newrelic/newrelic.ini'
  • 'cookbook' - Cookbook holding config template. Default this cookbook.
  • 'source' - Config template source. Default 'agent/python/newrelic.ini.erb'
  • 'app_name' - Your newrelic python app name as it will show in the UI. Default => 'Python Application'

Advanced parameters

  • 'enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'logfile' - Defaults to '/tmp/newrelic-python-agent.log'
  • 'loglevel' - Defaults to 'info'
  • 'daemon_ssl' - Defaults to true
  • 'high_security' - Defaults to false
  • 'capture_params' - Defaults to false
  • 'ignored_params' - Defaults to ' '
  • 'transaction_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_threshold' - Defaults to 'apdex_f'
  • 'transaction_tracer_record_sql' - Defaults to 'obfuscated'
  • 'transaction_tracer_stack_trace_threshold' - Defaults to '0.5'
  • 'transaction_tracer_slow_sql' - Defaults to true
  • 'transaction_tracer_explain_threshold' - Defaults to '0.5'
  • 'thread_profiler_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'error_collector_ignore_errors' - Defaults to ' '
  • 'browser_monitoring_auto_instrument' - Defaults to true
  • 'cross_application_tracer_enable' - Defaults to true
  • 'feature_flag' - Defaults to nil


include_recipe 'python'

newrelic_agent_python 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'
  app_name 'my_python_app'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the newrelic nodejs agent
The newrelic_agent_nodejs resource will handle the requirements to install nodejs application monitoring.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic repository, install npm package and update newrelic nodejs config with license key.
  • :remove - Uninstall the New Relic package

Attribute parameters
for an explanation on each attribute.

  • 'license' - NewRelic license key
  • 'version' - NewRelic npm package version. Will default to latest if nil.
  • 'app_name' - Your newrelic nodejs app name as it will show in the UI. Default => 'My Node App'
  • 'app_path' - Required true. Default nil. You must provide a valid path to your nodejs app root dir.
  • 'cookbook' - Cookbook holding config template. Default this cookbook.
  • 'source' - Config template source. Default 'agent/python/newrelic.ini.erb'

Advanced parameters

  • 'enabled' - Defaults to true
  • 'logfile' - Defaults to '/tmp/newrelic-python-agent.log'
  • 'loglevel' - Defaults to 'info'


newrelic_agent_nodejs '/var/my_node_approot' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'
  app_name 'my_nodejs_app'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the dotnet agent

The newrelic_agent_dotnet resource will handle the requirements to install .Net application monitoring.


  • :install - installs the New Relic agent.
  • :remove - uninstalls the New Relic agent.

Attribute parameters

  • 'https_download' - The URL to download the MSI installer from New Relic. Default is to pull "latest"
  • 'install_level' - The install version of the .NET Agent. Default is '1' but can use '50' for a complete installation


newrelic_agent_dotnet 'Install' do
  license '0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff'


This cookbook includes an LWRP for installing the infrastructure agent

The newrelic_agent_infrastructure resource will handle the requirements to set up the infrastructure agent.


  • :install - will setup the New Relic Infrastructure agent.

Attribute parameters

  • 'license' - New Relic license key
  • 'version' - New Relic Infrastructure Agent version to use. To find the current version, check New Relic repo
  • 'display_name' - Overrides the auto-generated hostname for reporting, defaults to nil
  • 'logfile' - To log to another location, provide a full path and file name, defaults to nil
  • 'verbose' - Enables verbose logging for the agent, defaults to 0
  • 'proxy' - Defaults to nil
  • 'custom_attributes' - Sets key-value pairs (similar to tags in other tools) used to annotate the data from the Infrastructure agent, defaults to {}
  • 'on_host_integrations_enable' - Installs New Relic Infrastructure on-host integration package, defaults to false
  • 'template_cookbook' - Sets cookbook for template, defaults to 'newrelic'
  • 'template_source' - Sets source for template, defaults to 'agent/infrastructure/newrelic.yml.erb'
  • 'service_actions' - The New Relic infrastructure agent service actions, defaults to "%w(enable start)" (#starts the service if it's not running and enables it to start at system boot time)
  • 'windows_version' - the Windows version to install, defaults to "1.0.703"
  • 'windows_checksum' - checksum of the (64-bit) Windows version, defaults to "3c9f98325dc484ee8735f01b913803eaef54f06641348b3dd9f3c0b3cd803ace"
  • 'strip_command_line' - Undocumented boolean flag for the newrelic-infra.yml file, if set to false includes the parameters in the command line reported by the infrastructure agent. Defaults to nil, which defaults to false for the infrastructure agent.


This cookbook includes an LWRP for notifying New Relic of a deployment


  • :notify - notifies New Relic of a deployment

Attribute parameters

  • 'key_type' - Your New Relic API key type (api_key or license_key, defaults to api_key currently for backwards compatibility)
  • 'key' - Your New Relic key (see key_type for more information on what value to provide here exactly)
  • 'app_name' - The name of the application, found in the newrelic.yml file
  • 'app_id' - The ID # of the application
  • 'description' - Text annotation for the deployment (notes for you)
  • 'revision' - The revision number from your source control system (SVN, git, etc.)
  • 'changelog' - A list of changes for this deployment
  • 'user' - The name of the user/process that triggered this deployment


newrelic_deployment "my-application" do
    key_type "license_key"
    key "yourlicensekey"
    app_id 1234567
    description "some description"
    revision "some revision"
    changelog "some changelog"
    user "chef-client"
    action :notify

This cookbook includes an LWRP for generating the newrelic.yml configuration file in a specific path, which can be used to generate multiple configurations when deploying multiple different applications



  • :generate - Generate the newrelic.yml config file (unique and default action)

Example usage - Java agent

  1. Install the Java Agent: add the newrelic::java_agent recipe to your run list. A newrelic.yml will be generated but not linked to anything.
  2. In your application cookbook, generate the newrelic.yml for this application:
yml_path = "#{my_app_path}/newrelic.yml"
newrelic_yml yml_path do
  app_name 'my-super-duper-application'
  agent_type 'java'
  1. Configure your app for newrelic using your config file and newrelic.jar:
 java -Dnewrelic.config.file=#{newrelicyml}  -javaagent:#{node['newrelic']['install_dir']}/newrelic.jar [rest of your args]


  1. include recipe[newrelic] in a run list to implicly run recipe[newrelic::server_monitor_agent] --- OR --- include the bits and pieces explicitly in a run list: ruby `recipe[newrelic::repository]` `recipe[newrelic::server_monitor_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::dotnet_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::java_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::nodejs_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::php_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::python_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::ruby_agent]` `recipe[newrelic::infrastructure_agent]`
  2. change the node['newrelic']['license'] attribute to your New Relic license keys --- OR --- override the attributes on a higher level


License and Authors

Author: David Joos
Copyright: 2016, David Joos

Author: David Joos
Author: Escape Studios Development
Copyright: 2012-2015, Escape Studios

Unless otherwise noted, all files are released under the MIT license,
possible exceptions will contain licensing information in them.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Dependent cookbooks

curl >= 0.0.0
apt >= 0.0.0
yum >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

applications Applicable Versions
newrelic-sysmond-policy Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
platformstack Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
stack_commons Applicable Versions
sudo_kibana Applicable Versions
tcc Applicable Versions

Collaborator Number Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Cookstyle Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 25
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 26
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 27
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 28
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 29
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 35
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 36
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 38
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 39
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 40
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 41
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 42
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 43
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 44
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 45
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 46
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 47
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 51
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 52
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 53
Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 54
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_dotnet.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_infrastructure.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_java.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_nodejs.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_php.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_python.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/agent_ruby.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/deployment.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/server_monitor.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( newrelic/resources/yml.rb: 1
Chef/Modernize/ShellOutHelper: Use the built-in `shell_out` helper available in Chef Infra Client 12.11+ instead of calling `'foo').run_command`. ( newrelic/libraries/server_monitor_helpers.rb: 20

Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations

No Binaries Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook should not contain binaries. Found:

Testing File Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

2.45.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number