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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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yum-ius (26) Versions 3.1.0

Installs and configures the IUS Community Project Yum Repository

cookbook 'yum-ius', '= 3.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'yum-ius', '= 3.1.0'
knife supermarket install yum-ius
knife supermarket download yum-ius
Quality 83%

yum-ius Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

The yum-ius cookbook takes over management of the default repositoryids that ship with CentOS systems. It allows attribute manipulation of ius, ius-debuginfo, ius-source, ius-archive, ius-archive-debuginfo, ius-archive-source, ius-testing, ius-testing-debuginfo, ius-testing-source



  • RHEL/CentOS and derivatives


  • Chef 12.14+


  • yum-epel


The following attributes are set by default

default['yum']['ius']['repositoryid'] = 'ius'
default['yum']['ius']['enabled'] = true
default['yum']['ius']['managed'] = true
default['yum']['ius']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch"
default['yum']['ius']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch"
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-debuginfo'
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Debug"
default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch/debug"
default['yum']['ius-source']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-source'
default['yum']['ius-source']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-source']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-source']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-source']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-source']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-source']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Source"
default['yum']['ius-source']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/src"
default['yum']['ius-archive']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-archive'
default['yum']['ius-archive']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-archive']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-archive']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-archive']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Archive"
default['yum']['ius-archive']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch"
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-archive-debuginfo'
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Archive Debug"
default['yum']['ius-archive-debuginfo']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch/debug"
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-archive-source'
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Archive Source"
default['yum']['ius-archive-source']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/src"
default['yum']['ius-testing']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-testing'
default['yum']['ius-testing']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-testing']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-testing']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-testing']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Testing"
default['yum']['ius-testing']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch"
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-testing-debuginfo'
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Testing Debug"
default['yum']['ius-testing-debuginfo']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/$basearch/debug"
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['repositoryid'] = 'ius-testing-source'
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['enabled'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['managed'] = false
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['failovermethod'] = 'priority'
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['gpgkey'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}"
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['gpgcheck'] = true
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['description'] = "IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux #{node['platform_version'].to_i} - $basearch Testing Source"
default['yum']['ius-testing-source']['baseurl'] = "{node['platform_version'].to_i}/src"


  • default - Walks through node attributes and feeds a yum_resource parameters. The following is an example a resource generated by the recipe during compilation.
  yum_repository 'ius' do
    baseurl '$basearch'
    description 'IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch'
    enabled true
    gpgcheck true
    gpgkey ''

Usage Example

To disable the ius repository through a Role or Environment definition

  :yum => {
    :ius => {
      :enabled => {

Uncommonly used repositoryids are not managed by default. This is speeds up integration testing pipelines by avoiding yum-cache builds that nobody cares about. To enable the ius-testing repository with a wrapper cookbook, place the following in a recipe:

node.default['yum']['ius-tesing']['managed'] = true
node.default['yum']['ius-tesing']['enabled'] = true
include_recipe 'yum-ius'

More Examples

Point the base and debuginfo repositories at an internally hosted server.

node.default['yum']['ius']['enabled'] = true
node.default['yum']['ius']['mirrorlist'] = nil
node.default['yum']['ius']['baseurl'] = ''
node.default['yum']['ius']['sslverify'] = false
node.default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['enabled'] = true
node.default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['mirrorlist'] = nil
node.default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['baseurl'] = ''
node.default['yum']['ius-debuginfo']['sslverify'] = false

include_recipe 'yum-ius'

License & Authors

Author: Cookbook Engineering Team (

Copyright: 2011-2016, Chef Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

yum-epel >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

lampp_platform Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
php-omnibus Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
rackspace_apache_php Applicable Versions
rackspace_gluster Applicable Versions
rackspace_nginx_php Applicable Versions
stack_commons Applicable Versions

yum-ius Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the yum-ius cookbook.

3.1.0 (2019-10-17)

  • Updated all the repos to use the new IUS CDN system. This greatly simplifies our attribute setup and makes sure this cookbook continues to work with the latest mirror setup. - @gsdevme
  • Resolve Cookstyle 5.8 warnings - @tas50
  • Remove references to CentOS 5 - @ramereth
  • Removed the various dev repos which don't seem to exist anymore - @ramereth
  • Fix all other active upstream repos with new baseurl for CDN - @ramereth

3.0.0 (2018-02-16)

  • Require Chef 12.14+ and remove the compat_resource dep


  • Remove use of releasever to eliminate centos-release dependency.
  • Add warning for use of EL 5 variants as IUS is ending support as of March 31, 2017 following the RHEL EOL of RHEL 5.
  • Update chefspecs to avoid deprecation warnings

2.1.0 (2016-12-22)

  • Allow the use of any valid property via attributes
  • Depend on the latest compat_resource cookbook
  • Cookstyle fixes

2.0.0 (2016-11-26)

  • Replace yum dependency with compat_resource
  • Add inspec integration test

1.0.0 (2016-09-06)

  • Testing updates
  • Add chef_version metadata
  • Remove support for Chef 11

v0.4.6 (2016-04-27)

  • Remove support for fedora / amazon from metadata as they are not actually supported

v0.4.5 (2015-11-30)

  • Fixed attributes with a false value being skipped

v0.4.4 (2015-10-28)

  • Fixing logic bug around managed attribute

v0.4.3 (2015-10-28)

  • Fixing Chef 13 nil property deprecation warnings

v0.4.2 (2015-09-21)

  • Added Chef standard Rubocop file and resolved all warnings
  • Updated platforms in Kitchen CI config
  • Add supported platforms to the metadata
  • Added Chef standard chefignore and .gitignore files
  • Updated and expanded development dependencies in the Gemfile
  • Added contributing, testing, and maintainers docs
  • Added platform requirements to the readme
  • Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the readme
  • Update Chefspec to 4.X format
  • Convert all hash rockets to the Ruby 1.9+ hash format

v0.4.1 (2015-06-21)

  • Updating URLs for https and new mirrorlists
  • Depending on yum ~> 3.2

v0.4.0 (2014-10-29)

  • Accounting for differences between RHEL and Centos
  • Adding EL7 Support

v0.3.0 (2014-09-11)

  • Add the yum-epel::default recipe if at least one yum-ius repository managed

v0.2.0 (2014-02-14)

  • Updating test harness
  • Disabling uncommonly used repositories by default




initial release

Collaborator Number Metric

3.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

3.1.0 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

3.1.0 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

3.1.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

3.1.0 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

3.1.0 passed this metric