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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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nfs (57) Versions 0.4.0

Installs and configures NFS, and NFS exports

cookbook 'nfs', '= 0.4.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'nfs', '= 0.4.0'
knife supermarket install nfs
knife supermarket download nfs
Quality -%

NFS Build Status


Installs and configures NFS client, or server components


Should work on any Red Hat-family or Debian-family Linux distribution.

Note:This cookbook depends on Sean O'Meara's line cookbook


  • nfs['packages']

    • Makes a best effort to choose NFS client packages dependent on platform
    • NFS server package needs to be hardcoded for Debian/Ubuntu in the server recipe, or overridden in a role.
  • nfs['service']

    • portmap - the portmap or rpcbind service depending on platform
    • lock - the statd or nfslock service depending on platform
    • server - the server component, nfs or nfs-kernel-server depending on platform
  • nfs['config']

    • client_templates - templates to iterate through on client systems, chosen by platform
    • server_template - server specific template, chosen by platform
  • nfs['port']

    • ['statd'] = Listen port for statd, default 32765
    • ['statd_out'] = Outgoing port for statd, default 32766
    • ['mountd'] = Listen port for mountd, default 32767
    • ['lockd'] = Listen port for lockd, default 32768
  • ~nfs['exports']~

    • Deprecated option. No longer supported with the exports functionality being refactored into an LWRP.


To install the NFS components for a client system, simply add nfs to the run_list.

name "base"
description "Role applied to all systems"
run_list [ "nfs" ]

Then in an nfs_server.rb role that is applied to NFS servers:

name "nfs_server"
description "Role applied to the system that should be an NFS server."
  "nfs" => {
    "packages" => [ "portmap", "nfs-common", "nfs-kernel-server" ],
    "port" => {
      "statd" => 32765,
      "statd_out" => 32766,
      "mountd" => 32767,
      "lockd" => 32768
run_list [ "nfs::server" ]

nfs_export LWRP Usage

Applications or other cookbooks can use the nfs_export LWRP to add exports:

nfs_export "/exports" do
  network ''
  writeable false 
  sync true
  options ['no_root_squash']

The default parameters for the nfs_export LWRP are as follows

  • directory

    • directory you wish to export
    • defaults to resource name
  • network

    • a CIDR, IP address, or wildcard (*)
    • requires an option
  • writeable

    • ro/rw export option
    • defaults to false
  • sync

    • synchronous/asynchronous export option
    • defaults to true
  • anonuser

    • user mapping for anonymous users
    • the user's UID will be retrieved from /etc/passwd for the anonuid=x option
    • defaults to nil (no mapping)
  • anongroup

    • group mapping for anonymous users
    • the group's GID will be retrieved from /etc/group for the anongid=x option
    • defaults to nil (no mapping)
  • options

    • additional export options as an array, excluding the parameterized sync/async, ro/rw options, and anoymous mappings
    • defaults to root_squash

nfs::undo recipe

Does your freshly kickstarted/preseeded system come with NFS, when you didn't ask for NFS? This recipe inspired by the annoyances cookbook, will run once to remove NFS from the system. Use a knife command to remove NFS components from your system like so.

knife run_list add  nfs::undo

License and Author

Author: Eric G. Wolfe (
Contributors: Riot Games, Sean OMeara

Copyright 2011-2012, Eric G. Wolfe
Copyright 2012, Riot Games
Copyright 2012, Sean OMeara

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

line >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

arcgis-enterprise Applicable Versions
arcgis-repository Applicable Versions
chef-ha Applicable Versions
clonezillalive Applicable Versions
cloudstack_wrapper Applicable Versions
dry-run-lies Applicable Versions
hdp-cloud Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
media Applicable Versions
opennebula_ng Applicable Versions

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